Sunday, November 8, 2015


By Dr Gloria Maseko

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

The five ways to express and experience love is what Chapman calls ‘love language’. People are emotional and hence they need to receive love. The need for people to be loved is best explained by the’ love tank’. Each person has one primary and one secondary love language.
There are five different ways in which a human being gives and receives love. These are as follows:
v  Words of Affirmation (Verbal Appreciation)
v  Acts of service (Devotion)
v  Receiving Gifts
v  Quality Time
v  Physical touch
Words of Affirmation (Verbal Appreciation)
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

The people who belong to this love language want appreciation from their loved ones such as ‘I love you’, ‘job well done’, ‘you look gorgeous/ stunning’.  They like it when you compliment appearance. ‘That’s my baby’. This makes them feel acknowledged for things they are doing right.  They feel loved when they are appreciated. They need regular praise.  In addition they too have daily affirmations that they make when they are down.  Talking things through with others really helps them. These are the things to do if your spouse love language is Words of Affirmation:

v  Tell your spouse you love him/her
v  Congratulate him/her on his accomplishment
v  Praise his best qualities (especially in front of people)
v  Thank your spouse for working hard for your family
v  Tell him you still find him sexy after all these years

Acts of service (Devotion)
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew, 40.)
This group believes that ‘actions speak louder than words’. It makes them  upset when people don’t keep their words. To them Tangible expression of love mean the most. They feel loved when they are helped with chores and projects in the house. They are inspired when people pitch in to help them. To the acts of service, ‘let me take care of you’ are the words that make their day. They appreciate the many things done to them. These are the things to do if your spouse love language is Acts of service:

v  Cook his/her favourite meal
v  Take the kids for shopping so he/she can enjoy some peace and quietness
v  Make sure the house is clean before he/she comes
v  Take his/her car for service or car wash
v  Help him find things he has lost
Receiving Gifts

Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

Proverbs 21:26

…the righteous gives and does not hold back.
This group is characterized by valuing gifts no matter how little these are it makes them happy since they feel someone was thinking of them. To them gifts are highly important to them They appreciate the many things you do for them. They believe in tangible expression of love or heartfelt gifts. They cherish letters and messages sent to them. Most importantly receiving gifts on most important days like birthday, anniversary, and valentine makes them to be overwhelmed with joy.
 They look forward to lunch dates with friends. To them several inexpensive gifts mean a lot to them than one large expensive gift. They never forget it when you surprise them with a gift as long as they live. They have little gifts with sentimental value at their desk. These people it is easy to notice them because they even put a lot of time into the gifts they give. These are the things to do if your spouse love language is Receiving gifts:

v  Buy him a card just because it makes their day
v  Buy him/her their favourite snacks from grocery store
v  Buy him a tool or a gadget he/she had always wanted
v  Never forget his/her birthday, anniversary, valentine  or any gift giving occasion
v  Bring him a souvenir anytime you take a trip

Quality Time
Hebrews 10:24-25
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The loyal members of this group like spending one on one time with those they love. They crave for focused attention. To them togetherness makes them feel loved. These people value conversation and closeness. They like it when their feelings are understood. These people demand undivided attention. They feel unloved when you interrupt them and you half listen. To them eye contact tells them someone really cares, it is assurance that someone is listening to them. These are the things to do if your spouse love language is Quality Time:
v  Stop multi tasking and give him/her full attention
v  Watch football together or whatever sport he/she likes
v  Run errands together
v  Have regular  night date without kids
v  Eat dinner together with TV off

Physical touch
John 13 v 5 and after that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet, drying them with a towel that was wrapped around him.
34 A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Jesus loved deeply and demonstrated that love. Jesus understood the power of touch.
To this group nothing says I love you more than a big warm hug. This is the kind of people who physical touch makes them feel valued and makes the best part of their day. If they had a long day it helps them forget it. This includes holding hands, giving back rubs, a massage, cuddling and sexual contact. They value affection and warm embraces. An unexpected kiss makes them feel loved and they enjoy slow dancing with the one they love. They also need to be held when they are sick. These are the things to do if your spouse love language is Physical Touch:

v  Kiss him/her before he/she leaves for work
v  Give him/her a massage
v  Hold hands
v  Cuddle on the couch to watch a movie
v  Randomly give him/her that touchy when you walk by him/her.
Note that the list is endless, you may add to it.

  It is most likely that If you are not speaking your partners love language he or she likely does not feeling loved by you specifically. Unhappiness in marriages often has a simple root cause: ‘we speak different love languages’. Then the question is how do you discover your spouse‘s and your own love language. If speaking your spouse love language is the key to meet your spouse needs for emotional love.
Then the big question is how do you discover what love language he/she speaks. Lifelong learning about your spouse requires time, communication, persistence, imagination, patience and perseverance. is possible to find another person’s love language by asking them questions on the five love language quiz Understand that peoples love language do not change over time but instead develop and need to be nurtured in different ways.

You don’t have to fear, because you can learn the language. 2 Timothy 1v7 (NKJV) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind
v  Learn God’s plan for families
v  Love your spouse unconditionally
v  Observe the way he/she expresses love to others
v  Analyze what he/she complains most often
v  Note what he/she requests from their partner (understanding your spouse’s primary language)

Learn God’s plan for Families
 As for me and my family we will serve the lord- Joshua 24 v15. When the tank is full, that is genuinely loved feeling loved, the spouse appears normal and adjusted and the world is beautiful. Contrary when the tank is empty, the spouse has many internal struggles especially emotional ones.  
As for married people the person we would most like to have love us is our spouse. If we feel loved by our spouse the world looks bright, but if our love tank is empty the world begins to look rather dark.      
Love your spouse unconditionally  
1John 4; 19 We love because he first loved us
Romans 5; 5 God poured his love into our hearts by the holy spirit
Likewise, when you pour out your love by speaking your spouse love language, you are doing the most emotionally powerful thing to do. Your Spouse desperately needs emotional love from you. As your spouse love tank begins to fill, there is good chance that he or she will begin to reciprocate.
A full love tank creates a positive atmosphere in which you and your spouse can talk about your differences more easily and negotiate solutions to your conflicts.
Hard cold hearts of men and women melt when they begin to receive love in their love language. Love is the most powerful weapon in the world for good. It has the ability to thaw the coldest of winters  and bring blossoms of spring to your marriages.

Observe the way he/she expresses love to others
According to the love language concept, the way you feel loved is also the way you show love people. People tend to naturally give love in the way that they prefer receive love. People should not use the love languages that they like most but rather the love languages that their loved ones can receive.

Analyze what he/she complains most often
Listen to your souse complaints. Here are five common complaints and the love language that each reveals.

v  You mean you did not bring me anything? Did you even miss me while you were away-  Receiving gifts
v  We never spend any time together anymore we are like strangers- quality time
v  I don’t think you would touch me if I did not initiate it- physical touch
v  I cannot do anything right around here. All you ever do is criticize . I can never please you- Words of affirmation
v  If you loved me you would do something  around here you never lift a finger to help – Acts of service
Usually when spouse complains we get irritated. But he/she is giving us valuable information.
Note what he/she requests from their partner (understanding your spouse’s primary language)
Understanding your spouse’s primary love language and learning to speak it can make a world of difference in your marriage.
With marriages in the Autumn and winter season- This is often the case, you will find that one spouse becomes concerned enough about the marriage (to read books on marriage, attend seminar, go for counseling, attend couples dinner) while the other spouse is unwilling to do anything.                                  
Have open ended questions in order to keep communication flowing smoothly.
1.      What do you think about…..
2.      What most concerns you about…..

3.      Can you help me understand………   

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