Sunday, November 8, 2015



Get up one more time than you have fallen. Don’t spend your life standing on the complaints counter. It’s not how many times you have fallen but how many times you rise when you have fallen. The fact that you have fallen is a proof that you are not finished. Failure is not the opposite of success but it is part of success.

Every obstacle introduces a man to himself. How you respond to obstacles is of ultimate importance and makes a difference. Let each new obstacle lift you to the next level. Every problem has a soft spot- there is a solution. Obstacle is what we see when we take our eyes off the goal. Failure is not a fact it is just an opinion. Failure is an opportunity to start over more intelligently. You don’t drown by falling into water, you drown by staying there, from failure learn the lesson and not the details, and don’t become like a scalded dog. Failure can be a weight or it can give you wings. You are like a tea bag, your worthiness is seen when you have gone through hot water.

If you look backward too much, you will soon be heading that way. Stop looking at where you have been and look at where you can be. The more you look back, the less you will go ahead. When you dwell in the past, you stop growing and start dying. Like the dreams of tomorrow than the history of the past .Your past cannot be changed but you can change your tomorrow by your actions today.

The most important thing is what flashes in our mind when you think of a lion, hear about it or see it? The following crosses everyone mind when the thought of a lion crosses one’s mind. Its magnificent appearance- look impressive and portray yourself a winner.
Its majestic bearing- its quiet impressive to look big, even though people don’t look at you that way. There is something inside of you greater than the obstacles you face
Its boldness- always speak your thoughts loudly and strongly with a lot of energy Its fierceness. Do not be afraid to take risks and make difficult decisions.  Be confident enough to say what is right, despite the fact that people will be offended People always want you to say what they want to hear. Without disputing any of your thoughts, you will agree with me that the Lion is a very special animal hence the reason it is referred to as the king of the jungle. There are seven principles that anyone inspiring to be a leader should dream to have

In addition there are a vast number of animals that are better hunters than the lion and have demonstrated the art of having stamina than the lion. What makes the lion the most fearsome animal to walk the earth is its voice. What you can do now is the only influence you have over your future.

Lesson: Ensure that your voice is heard
Be like a lion, come out of the masses, stand out alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light.

You may have an idea, a vision, a dream but if these are not put into action it is useless .Start with what you have, don’t wait for what you don’t have. The grave is the richest place with undiscovered talent and ideas that have not been put into use. Be afraid of a man with an idea than a man with money. No one will ever know the good intentions that you have until you voice them out , then people around you will come to realization how noble  your intentions  are. You can become the person you want to be.

Human beings have two fears in life and these are the fear to begin and the fear to fail.  It cannot be disputed that there are animals that are faster than the lion, bigger and stronger than the lion We don’t need more strength, ability or opportunity, use what you have Don’t accept that others know you better than yourself. The truth is we are all in this together by ourselves. The truth is like a lion: you don’t have to defend it, let it loose: it will defend itself.

A wise man speaks because he has something to say but a foolish person speaks because he has to say something. If you have a talent or gifts use it. The Lion knows that its roar is heard everywhere it goes which is its reputation this makes the lion the best possible example of boldness.  Ensure that you increase your reputation your boldness will increase as well. If you can’t fly , then  run , if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl but one thing for show any of these will take you from one point to another. A tortoise cannot go anywhere unless it sticks out its head. Stand out don’t blend in.

Lions rarely eat entire prey. Whatever good happens in your life is not so that you can keep it all to yourself. Part of it is intended to be given to others.

Lesson: giving is a proof that you have conquered greed. The test of generosity is not necessarily how much you give but how much you have left.  The secret of living is giving Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting Elizabeth Bibesco)

PRINCIPLE 3: Something Dominates in every life
Male Lions defend the pride’s territory while females go to hunt. Despite this the male gets to eat first

LESSON:  Delegation of responsibilities is very important .Giving task does not mean you are giving room to be undermined. You are actually appreciating ones skills and ability which are important in the organization or in the family. Don’t give all your work out and laze out, it’s not delegation now but laziness. True leadership begins with servant hood.

The man who believes in nothing but himself lives in a small world .Don’t think too much of yourself. Change your favorite word from “I “to “you”. A selfish person is abnormal, with a big head because they think they know everything, long arms to give themselves a pat on the back. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

There is need to interact with others in order to be a better person. Who you choose to be your close associate is the most important decision you will make during your life. You will become like those that you closely associate with. Friends are like pillars, sometimes they hold you up, sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes its just enough to know they are standing by.

Do you know why we have spaces in between our fingers: So that someone who love us may come and hold our hand and tell us it will be okay. A smile is a curve you throw at someone and it always result in a hit. Confidence is not about people loving you it is about people not loving you and you are okay with it. When people don’t love you, shoot then with a smile and bury them with your success and dance on their grave. A person who want to reach their destination do not stop for every barking dog.

The slow movement of a lion doesn’t show weakness or tiredness.
 but rather a calculated steps to get its prey. Lion grabs its prey by the neck and holds on to it to suffocate it until it is dead
In life you do one thing at a time and hold on to it. One action is better than a thousand intentions. Never bother how fast people are moving. Move at your own pace and trust God to see you through. Remember it is not how fast you build your house but it is how firm and strong your building will be when it is done. Just like a mango tree, its fruits do not ripe at the same time. Your mango will ripen one day.
Don’t be a slave find time to relax .Don’t be tempted to work until you collapse as it has now become a norm in our society. Every day we have a schedule of activities that run throughout the day. We run after meeting targets, reaching goals and forget we need the “me time.” We are always overworked and exhausted but we do not find the need to rest and relax. A lion is an epitome of need to relax, despite that it has to eat it goes on to relax for more than half a day. Ironically work cannot finish, and the more you do it , the more that is still left for you. Hence ensure you always have time to rest in your schedule.

If you put a limit on what you can do, you put a limit on what you will do. “ No matter the condition of the jungle, I will not eat grass, it is not pride, it is who I am".

The truth is like a lion, you can not defend it. you set it free it will defend itself.

The moment you allow the lion inside of you to roar; you will not be afraid of the crowd and that marks your time  not to be a sheep but you become a lion

The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion, a great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.  osho

Do not take short cuts in your life, don’t find an easy way out. All things start from the bottom to the top, except digging the grave, and by that time it will be finished with you, you won’t dig your own grave, people will do it for you.

1 comment:

  1. Re tla tshwana le kokobele, fa e bona lesedi e ya teng. Se e se dirang e kgaola diphuka.Re feletse mo go wena.
    Re leboga masa-a-sele ka thulaganyo ya moso wa Ngwanatseele a le lesome le bongwe, gore re go itse.
