Saturday, July 13, 2013



( Image for father Christmas adapted from http://

Development has relied exclusively on one knowledge system, namely the modern Western one. The dominance of this knowledge system has dictated the marginalization and disqualification of non-western knowledge. The world view that continues to perceive the colonizer as the knower and the colonized as ignorant, clearly come into light, when we ask ourselves if the warm costume for Santa clause commonly known as Father Christmas, is really suited for our climate in Africa. It seems clear that, given this superabundance of knowledge of different kinds, one of the main problems facing us in Africa is the problem of selection.

After all, not only will the man capable of reasoned understanding know what to do in particular cases by virtue of that understanding, but he will also be in a better position to adapt to changing circumstances. Personally I believe the costume for Father Christmas is not suited for Africa as I would outline my strong points which stand to be critiqued to broaden the body of knowledge.

The costume for father Christmas includes, red and white warm trouser, jacket and hood and black boots. Just looking at the description given above this costume is not well suited for the hot climatic condition in Africa. When we trace the historical climatic conditions in Western countries up to date it snows and the temperatures are below the freezing point and if not at the freezing point during Christmas there. Hence, the costume for Father Christmas enabled Father Christmas to enjoy the warmth of the costume while sharing the Christmas spirit with everyone around who also ensured that they were dressed in very warm clothes to match the warmth of Father Christmas.

What about us in Africa? The climatic conditions are usually extremely hot, during Christmas. So what are we saying as Africans? Do we want to kill our own Father Christmas by extreme heat exposure first from the high external temperature that we experience in December and secondly from the extra warmth provided by the costume?  

Let’s now probe a bit further into the assertion that “comfortable”, in the sense with which I am at present concerned means free from affliction or pain, I believe our African Father Christmas does not enjoy this privilege. Sine every time those father Christmas we see around shopping complexes,  their sweat flows down their face, like a perennial river which never ceases to flow, which in reality we rarely experience in our rivers but tend to enjoy on Father Christmas face during Christmas. Every time our African Father Christmas will be wishing and praying for himself when he would be ordered to take off the costume and forgetting to pray for the less privileged ones because during that time he will be in a worse situation than anybody else, imagine being in an oven, how can you pray for other people either than yourself? Is this how Father Christmas is supposed to feel during the time of Christmas, where giving and showing love to people around you is very important rather than being concerned about the uncomfortable costume? Fellow beloved Africans lets change this costume to fit our African context.

The issue of Father Christmas has also been greatly influenced by idealist philosophy. The notion of father Christmas already contained many beliefs which were clearly compatible with idealism. For example, the Goodness and universality of Father Christmas can be readily recognized as compatible with idealism. Idealism comes from the word ideal, which connotes the idea of perfection. The main thesis in the idealist philosophy is search for truth, with particular reference to Africa. May be just brainstorming; our own African Father Christmas would wear a muscle top and shorts made of  100% cotton, open shoes and a cap as this will be ideal for Africa’s climatic condition.

Looking back in our African culture don’t we have anything that we could cherish and pass from one generation to the other that we practiced during Christmas? For example we could be having our grand mothers and fathers in these shopping complexes telling children our African folk tales which our children rarely know nowadays. This will enable our children to be expects of African fairy tales just like they do with fairy tales  like Cinderella, Snow white and the seven dwarfs, the sleeping beauty and many others. Let’s dig deeper into our African culture than I did and practice the good things in it.

Before I sound too pessimistic, my argument was based on the philosophy of idealism, it should be noted that philosophy in the modern idiom, therefore is an activity of logical thinking over any problem that may be set for it. It is the rational explanation of these aspects of a problem which are theoretical and capable of being resolved or at least elucidated by rational dialogue and therefore it could be critiqued.

Have you ever thought individually, about this costume for Father Christmas, if not start now? Because 2013 is more than halfway through, hence your collaborative thoughts about the African Father Christmas costume will bring light in the world of development,  academics and indeed new inventions.




A tree is mainly defined by this important parts, the leaves, branches, flowers the stem and the roots which will be used more frequently in this piece of work to elaborate the different friendships that form part of our lives In a comparison, personal friendship is considered to be closer than association although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. .

LEAVES: The leaves are the vital part of a plant since they make food for the  plant and have their definite shape and arrangement according to their requirements. For this the leaves are arranged on the stem in a way that they are exposed mostly to the sun. The leaves are seasonal, depend on a tree and provide shade. In winter the leaves shed off. In comparison to friendship these are the type of friends who come into your life for a short period of time and to you they may seem to be important. They use you just like the leaves use sunlight to make food. These friends use what you have to benefit from you.

 It is imperative to understand that they are seasonal. Hence they will walk in and out of your life because they are not there to stay. They would provide shade while the sun still shines, basically that is when your life is on the  brighter side or in good times (favourable), that could be financially, socially and health wise they will be around you. When times are hard or unfavourable these friends would disappear and will reappear again when life becomes favourable. They would also behave in different ways that would favour them in order to benefit  from you, just like the different arrangement of leaves in a tree. It is important to note that just like the leaves being numerous in nature. These friends are also many and do not add value to your life instead they use you to add value to their life. When these friends leave your life let it be since this is what happens to the plant leaves during winter and it is for a reason.TD Jakes says let it go, so let go off those friends and relationships. 

BRANCHES: They stay longer than the leaves and depend mainly on a tree and when they decide to break off they can break off  from the tree. In comparison these, are the kind of friends who depend on you, they are not there for a long time so if it is time for them to go you should allow them to go. A tree has many branches, this implies that you can have many people around you but your dependence should not be defined by them. The core of your life should not be defined by these people because they can leave anytime. When a branch breaks off from a tree it it is never put back again, another branch will grow.

 When this friends break off never try to bring them in your life because they were never meant to be that is why they break off from you. Just let it go. When you force to bring them back into your life they will bring destruction, misery because they were never meant to be. When you expand you should know that there are certain people who should be eliminated out of your life, just like a tree it needs pruning in order to grow well. Know that when a branch breaks off it goes with its leaves. So understand that when this friends go they will also make your other friends that are not important to leave your life. Do not be frustrated, know that these were the leaves they had to go with the branches.

STEM: This gives support to the plant and keeps it upright. The stem is always attached to the plant and it lives and dies with the plant.  The stem is attached to the  plant and if it has to be removed the entire plant appears to be dead but will come back to life as long as the roots are still alive. Mostly a plant will have one stem which gives support to the plant . Conversely these are the kind of friends that are hard to find and if you are lucky you can have one. There are always there to support you, motivate and comfort you in times of need. These are the kind of friends who will cry with you and laugh with you.

 These are the  friends that form the most important part of your life and never let them go even when you meet new friends who may seem to be better than them. These are the few friends that define your life to a certain extent. But when they are cut out of your life know they will grow again when the roots are there. In life you know there are those friends that you would stay without communicating, but that does not affect your friendship. When time allows that you meet, all will  be well and life continues, distance is not a barrier and blame is not a motto in this friendship. Blame in the sense that none of you will blame the other for not keeping in touch, life continues when you meet because love is the foundation of this friendship.

FLOWERS: These beautify the plant and give hope that the plant will bear fruits, and these are seasonal meaning that these when related to friends will mean that: these friends will give beauty to your life and they will not always be there but the time they are there will give hope that your life will bear fruits. the seeds within those fruits will inspire you to change your ways. These are important people they add value to your life despite that there are not always there, it is important that you take good care of them, so that they could bear fruits in your life. If you don't take care of the flowers they wont bear fruits, the flowers will be blown or shed off if the conditions are not favourable. Ensure that you take care of these flowers so that that these flowers bear fruits in your life.

ROOTS: A given tree has many leaves, branches yet one stem and few roots. Roots are there to provide for a tree with everything, water, nutrients and they are hidden underground and are important to the life of a tree. The life of a tree depends entirely on the roots (these are lifetime partners). In relation to that, this is the being that give the core definition of your life. Though they support you they do not do it for recognition. This is the friends you should fight to keep. The plant may appear dead but the roots will provide life for the plant to grow again. Understand that your life may appear to have come to an end but this friend who play the role of roots will give you hope where there is seems to be none and will nourish you to flourish into a new being again who will believe in themselves like never before.  

Just as a tree needs all the parts because of the vital role each one of them play. This applies to real life situations that all kind of friendships that we have, these can fall under the leaves, branches, stem and roots category are equally important. Even if the role of a particular part may look insignificant in the comparative terms, but still its importance can not be overemphasized as this makes you to be a better person than before. This is also supported by a saying that the “most beautiful discovery true friend make is that they grow separately without growing apart, a true friend is the one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success”. Lastly friendship is when people know all about you but continue to like you anywhere, hence as an individual when you  are able to categorize your friends into leaves,  branches, stem and roots and know their weaknesses while tolerating their strengths, this would minimize unnecessary frustration.

This thesis is based on the philosophy of functionalism, that a society functions like a biological organism. A biological organism has different parts that are interdependent, and if one is not functional the other will not function. Different components of society and all their performing roles will contribute to the survival or maintenance of the society. Society is perceived as a whole with inter-related parts. This tends to apply in a similar way in the situation of a tree and also with the different kinds of relationships that we have in life.

Do not be frustrated because your friends are leaves, or branches and you expect them to be a stem or roots which they will never be, even in the life of a tree that drastic change never happens. Live with your friends as leaves and branches and appreciate their strengths and know their weaknesses and let them go when it is their time to leave your life. The leaves and branches make you a better person by exposing you to the challenges of life, they provide a learning curve in our lives. The stem form the basis of your life to a certain extent. Most importantly know that the roots define your core life.

Hence the question who is your stem and root?  Mine is my personal savior Jesus Christ. He will help you to realize your other stems and roots in this world we are living in. In addition he will also give you wisdom to realize those friends who are the leaves, branches, flowers and how to to deal with them in a mature way or how to eliminate them peacefully.